About Us

Welcome to Papa Noodles, a home for dim sum lovers or food adventurers. Our culinary home is dedicated to crafting delicious authentic dishes that will transport your taste buds to the vibrant, warming streets of Asia.

Indulge in a variety of steamed and fried dim sum, each bursting with flavors and textures. Just as dim sum translates literally to “touch the heart,” we value a comforting and casual atmosphere and experience just touching the hearts of those familiar to a welcoming Asian home.

Our Why

In this period dominated by fast food chains, we have grown accustomed to affordably low prices for below average food items. However, as a dining community, it’s crucial for us to acknowledge a simple truth: true quality would not come at such a bargain if it were sourced from agricultural and livestock farms that met our moral standards from farm to table. The reality is that these savings often stem from massive industrialized farms, relying on mass production to deliver subpar quality food at pennies per pound.

At Papa Noodles, we refuse to compromise on quality. Our dim sum may not come cheap, and that is by design. We purposefully prioritize quality above all else, and we firmly believe that you will taste the difference. We take great pride in serving our dishes, hoping to encourage people to eat modestly and get a sense of renewed appreciation for the eating experience.

As part of the hospitality industry, we wholeheartedly embrace our responsibility to honor the products we utilize and to uphold a sense of exceptional ethics in every aspect of our operations. We are delighted to serve you!

- Papa Noodles

Founder & Owner

Houston Yang, the mastermind behind Papa Noodles, is a seasoned entrepreneur and the proud owner of various culinary ventures. He thrives as a broker for small food court franchises, using his expertise to connect aspiring restaurateurs with potential opportunities. His passion for his Asian background and experimental adventures endeavors as he shares this food venture at Papa Noodles.